This site contains the document for old version. Please upgrade to the latest version v1.0.0

FormValidation v0.7.0 Released


New features

Allow to use multiple instance of validators via new alias option.

You can registry a new validator which is actually a built-in validator as following:

    framework: '...',
    fields: {
        username: {
            validators: {
                required: {
                    alias: 'notEmpty',
                    message: 'The username is required'

or use multiple instance of same validators (for example, callback, as following piece of code):

    framework: '...',
    fields: {
        password: {
            validators: {
                checkUppercase: {
                    alias: 'callback',
                    message: 'The password must have at least one uppercase character',
                    callback: function(value, validator, $field) {
                checkLowercase: {
                    alias: 'callback',
                    message: 'The password must have at least one lowercase character',
                    callback: function(value, validator, $field) {
                checkDigits: {
                    alias: 'callback',
                    message: 'The password must have at least one digit',
                    callback: function(value, validator, $field) {
                checkSpecial: {
                    alias: 'callback',
                    message: 'The password must have at least one special character',
                    callback: function(value, validator, $field) {


Old New
be_FR fr_BE
be_NL nl_BE
gr_EL el_GR


  • #151: integer validator accepts leading zeros
  • #163: between, greaterThan, lessThan validators now show the message where %s are replaced with the min, max, value options when the input isn't a number
  • #165: integer and numeric validators support more locales by providing new thousands and decimal separator options
  • #233: When using tooltip for multiple fields, it always shows on the last field
  • #234: Adjust the default messages when using the stringLength validator
  • The Spanish id, vat validators add type to the return value. The type can be DNI, NIE or CIF.

Bug fixes

  • #102, #166: Fix an issue on IE 10/11 that causes an input element with placeholder attribute to be validated automatically when it's focused
  • #177: Fix the bug that the isValidContainer() method doesn't ignore field which validators are totally disabled
  • #217: The field's enabled option doesn't work in declarative mode
  • #231: Fix the bug causing the message option for form isn't used. The plugin uses default message provided by each validator instead

