This site contains the document for old version. Please upgrade to the latest version v1.0.0

FormValidation v0.6.3 Released


New features

  • #109: Add prevalidate.form.fv event that is triggered before validating the form


  • #92: Improve Dutch national identification number (BSN) validator. It doesn't accept numbers which have less than 8 digits
  • #99: Add the date to return value of the date validator. We can reuse it for additional job
  • #130: The remote validator supports using $field and value in data/url callbacks
  • The isbn validator adds ISBN type to the return value
  • The ismn validator adds ISMN type to the return value

Bug fixes

  • #102: Fix an issue on IE 10/11 that causes an input element with placeholder attribute to be validated automatically when it's focused
  • #148: Fix an issue that causes the validating icon to not shown when the field is being validated

