This version of FormValidation works with the latest versions of supported frameworks, including:
- #512: Foundation v6
- #616: Bootstrap v4 (alpha 2) by setting
framework: 'bootstrap4'
- PureCSS v0.6.0
- Semantic UI v2.1.8
- UIKit v2.26.3
If you want to try Bootstrap 4 alpha 2 or still want to use Foundation 5, you need to follow the upgrading to v0.8.0 guide
- #536, #613: The creditCard validator now supports more card types (Dankort, Elo, Forbrugsforeningen, Maestro International, Visa Electron)
- #546: The ip validator now supports CIDR notation
- #556: Return more information of the file validator result, so user can display associated message if the selected file doesn't match given extension, type or size
- #607: Pass
along to the status.field.fv event
Bug fixes
- #315, #600: Using
attribute causes IE to send two postbacks to server, thanks to @dtkujawski - #364, #593, #611: Form cannot submit with live mode disabled (
live: 'disabled'
) and form has some radios/checkboxes - #488: Fix an exception when calling destroy() if a field is replaced manually
- #501: The cvv validator doesn't work properly if we transform the credit card value
- #599: The phone validator should accept valid US phones such as 999 999 9999
- Fix missing comma on the remote validator page, thanks to @letalumil
- The custom validator object should be encapsulated by the
object, thanks to @lumberjackchester - #137: How to use dynamic country option with different value for zipCode validator
- #433, #464: Add Building a password strength meter with Dropbox's zxcvbn libary example
- #470: Fix the err option typo
- #474: Add Validating multiple CKEditor instances example
- #521: Add Using hidden field technique example
- #540: Add Validating social account URL example
- #548: Fix the broken link in the Playing with Bootstrap Tags Input example
- #549: Update the summernote example to work with summernote v0.8.1
- #564: Add Using hint library to show message example
- #565: Add Using Balloon CSS library to show message example
- #571: Add Auto closing the date picker example
- #608: Add Preventing user to have same value as the placeholder example
- #615: Update Raty example to support its latest version